Sales: 1 (844) 923-3937
Service & Parts: 1 (819) 322-3937
99%* approval
$0 down
400 financing plans
18 financial institutions
Our goal is to find the best rate for your automobile purchase, regardless of your credit history. It’s even possible with no down payment.
No matter if you’ve had a previous bankruptcy or repossession or you have no credit history, Mazda Val-David can offer you an auto loan.
Some of our financing partners specialize in loans to independent contractors and other self-employed people, who often have trouble securing loans from traditional financial institutions.
Have you recently arrived in Canada and still don’t have a social security number? We work with an institution that specializes in situations of this type.
Working with a credit coach can help you raise your credit score so you can re-establish your credit and get the best rates on the market, in accordance with your history. You can submit a review application within as little as 12 to 18 months after signing the contract.