

Warranty and protection plans

For guaranteed peace of mind

Warranty and protection plans

For guaranteed peace of mind

Synonyme confiance mazda val david

Mazda Val-David

Honesty and transparency

Purchasing a used vehicle can be a major source of worry. At Mazda Val-David, we’re here for you throughout the shopping experience to answer all of your questions with total transparency.

Garantie mazda val david icon
If the manufacturer warranty is still valid, we’ll transfer it.
Garantie mazda val david icon
We offer a basic or extended warranty on each one of our meticulously inspected vehicles.
Garantie mazda val david icon
We also verify the vehicle history through CARFAX Canada, as well as the Register of Personal and Movable Real Rights (RPMRR), and make a full disclosure to you during your purchase.

Enjoy an automobile shopping experience with total peace of mind!

All of our used vehicles have undergone a meticulous inspection

To ensure pleasure and reliability on the road

See our inventory

Basic warranty

All vehicles that are five years old or less with no more than 80,000 km on the odometer are under warranty, guaranteeing that they’re in good working order. This warranty covers any parts and labor that are necessary to ensure that the vehicle functions properly.

A warranty guaranteeing good working order is mandatory under the law and applies only to recent used vehicles. The valid term of the warranty depends on the automobile’s mileage and the year it went into service. It’s effective upon the date of delivery.

Below are the categories of warranties that guarantee good working order:

A amvoq garantie mazda val david icon

2 years or less + 40,000 km or less

Term of the warranty: 6 months or 10,000 km

B amvoq garantie mazda val david icon

3 years or less + 60,000 km or less

Term of the warranty: 3 months or 5,000 km

C amvoq garantie mazda val david icon

5 years or less + 80,000 km or less

Term of the warranty: 1 month or 1,700 km

D amvoq garantie mazda val david icon

More than 5 years or more than 80,000 km

No warranty

Plans protection mazda val david

Our extended protection plans

Regardless of the make or model of your used vehicle, it will eventually need repairs. This is why Mazda Val-David offers an extended warranty on most of our vehicles that are 10 years old or newer. We offer warranties ranging from 12 to 60 months with mileage limits ranging from 5,000 km to 180,000 km.

No matter where you are in Canada, our extended warranty covers the following:

Reparations plans protection mazda val david icon
The cost of repairs
Assistance routiere plans protection mazda val david icon
24/7 roadside assistance
Balance garantie plans protection mazda val david icon
Transfer of the balance of the warranty to the buyer when you resell the vehicle
Just call 1 (819) 322-3937 to find the nearest service center so you can regain your confidence on the road. If the vehicle is still under the manufacturer warranty, we’ll take that into consideration in our protection offer and adjust the price of the extended warranty accordingly. That’s part of our commitment to transparency at Mazda Val-David.

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Are you ready to drive off the lot behind the wheel of your next vehicle?

Get financing in less than five minutes and find that rare gem among our vast inventory of used vehicles!

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